So, it's a nice warm sunshiny day today, and I thought, to be different, I'd do my writing on the balcony. And get a little sun while I'm at it. I really do love my balcony, I get to look out over the downtown, and see all the goings on. I'm a city person, it makes me happy.
One slight issue with this plan, the sun is creating a really bad glare at my laptop which makes it impossible to see almost anything. To rectify this, I am sitting out here with one of my son's blankets over both my head and my laptop, which fixes the glare issue, but kind of defeats the purpose of sitting out in the sun, no? Plus, I'm pretty sure anyone who can see me thinks I'm insane.
Oh well, insane looking or not, it's nice to be outside in the warm air after months of being cooped up. Winter is so long, and the spring and sunshine are definitely welcome.
I love spring, it's a time of rebirth, where everything is fresh and new. Everything looks brighter, and there's a certain lightness in everyone's steps. It's a time to be creative, too. I've taken up painting and drawing, not because I think I'm any good at them, but simply because I can. It makes me feel good. These things also make me want to write more, which is awesome. That is my true passion, and one I'd like to engage in more often. I've always wanted to be a writer, but I never really pursued it because I doubted my ability to do it well. Either fear of failure or success has always held me back.
This year I've done a lot of growing both emotionally and spiritually, and I'm learning to trust my instincts more. I've had a lot of good feedback about the stuff I've written thus far, and I'm trusting that it's not just people humouring me because they love me. It's because there's value in what I've written, and people enjoy reading it. So, I'm going to take advantage of the season of growth and rebirth and indulge my passion for writing whenever I can. I'm sure I'll be sharing it with you along the way.
For now though, I think I'm going to take this blanket off my head and enjoy the sun.
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